Managing Stress
Whether its in education, the workplace or at home, stress can occur to anyone at any time.
According to the World Heath Organisation 'Stress' is a "state of worry or mental tension caused by a difficult situation. Stress is a natural human response that prompts us to address challenges and threats in our lives."
Stress is often seen as something bad, however it can be good in certain situations. Positive stress is short-term and motivates us to focus our energy on enhancing our performance. Negative stress is the kind that leaves us feeling exhausted, jittery, and is harmful to your health. Negative stress can lead to anxiety, poor concentration and a decrease in performance.
Below are a few things to consider when trying to manage stress.
1..Practice self-compassion. Its okay to make mistakes. Learn from them and don't dwell on the past.
2. Set a routine to reduce the number of decisions you have to make. Decisions take time to make and create mental tension. If the routine contains times and places it can be easier to get tasks done on time.
3. Perfection can lead to burnout. Focus on being good and improving rather than setting standards that are too high.
4. Picture your goal and ask 'why' your doing something. This helps you focus your energy rather than burning it.
5. Consider situations that cause stress. Planning for the worse will prepare you and leave you less stressed if it happens.
6. Reflect on your success and the progress you continue to make. Give yourself credit. You deserve it.